$497.00 USD

The Personal Brand Power Session

In just 60 minutes, we’ll dive into one powerful step of the Personal Branding framework, moving you closer to establishing a strong leadership voice that’s authentic and compelling.

While achieving the full results and deliverables takes time, each focused session allows us to make significant progress on a specific aspect of your brand.

This approach helps you not only expand your reputation but also lay the foundation for increasing your revenue.

Results You Can Achieve:

  • Clarify Your Brand DNA: Uncover your mission—what problem you solve, who you serve, and how you make a difference.
  • Define Your Unique Brand Story: Craft a narrative that highlights your experiences and insights, making you unforgettable.
  • Refine Your Brand Voice: Develop a one-of-a-kind voice that resonates authentically with your audience.
  • Create a Cohesive Message: Tie it all together into a consistent, powerful message that positions you as the go-to expert.


  • Brand Mission Statement: A clear and concise statement that defines your mission, the problem you solve, and who you serve.
  • Ideal Avatar Profile: A detailed profile of your ideal audience, helping you understand exactly who you’re speaking to.
  • Competitive Advantage Statement: A distinct positioning statement that sets you apart from the competition.
  • Compelling Brand Story: A fully developed narrative that can be used across your website, About page, and presentations.
  • Authentic Brand Voice Guide: A guide that defines your unique brand voice, ensuring consistency across all your communications.
  • Cohesive Brand Messaging Framework: A comprehensive framework that integrates your mission, story, and voice into a unified message.

The world needs that unique thing only you can offer. Let me help you craft and communicate your one of a kind message more effectively so you can grow your reputation and revenue as a result.

Book in your first power session by completing the form on the right.

What People Are Saying:

Don't wait another minute. Csilla's coaching helped me book my first ever, PAID, keynote! I highly recommend her.

Janine Mix - Business and Finance Coach

I felt more confident in my speaking because with Csilla's help I had a great plan as the moderator of the event.

Jennifer Trsinar Jezewski - Publisher at NFocus Magazine

I cannot believe how much we got done during our coaching sessions. I'm blown away. Thank you for helping me fix my speaker page and getting my speaker portfolio ready for pitching. Today I got my first booked speaking engagement and it's all thanks to you. You are the best, Csilla.

Machelle Wells - Keynote Speaker