$497.00 USD

The Public Speaking Power Session

In just 60 minutes, we’ll focus on one crucial element of your Public Speaking journey, equipping you with the skills and insights to deliver presentations that captivate and convert.

While perfecting your public speaking will require several sessions, each one will empower you to make tangible progress, expanding both your influence and your revenue by making every presentation unforgettable.

Results We Can Achieve:

  • Pinpoint Your Keynote Topic: Zero in on a topic that aligns with your expertise and captivates your audience.
  • Prepare a World-Class Presentation: Craft a presentation that's not just informative, but unforgettable.
  • Present with Power: Deliver your message in a way that resonates, whether you’re on stage or on camera.
  • Leverage Your Presentation: Use your presentation to establish your expertise and seamlessly sell your services.


  • Top 3 Keynote Topics & Titles: A selection of the top three keynote topics that align with your expertise, complete with compelling titles.
  • Presentation Outline & Slides: A fully developed presentation outline and a set of professionally designed slides.
  • Presentation Delivery Coaching: Personalized coaching sessions to refine your delivery style, ensuring you connect powerfully with your audience.
  • Sales & Conversion Strategy: A strategy guide on how to leverage your presentation to establish your expertise and convert audience interest into tangible business opportunities.

The world needs that unique thing only you can offer. Let me help you craft and communicate your one of a kind message more effectively so you can grow your reputation and revenue as a result.

Book your first power session by completing the form on the right.

What People Are Saying:

Don't wait another minute. Csilla's coaching helped me book my first ever, PAID, keynote! I highly recommend her.

Janine Mix - Business and Finance Coach

I felt more confident in my speaking because with Csilla's help I had a great plan as the moderator of the event.

Jennifer Trsinar Jezewski - Publisher at NFocus Magazine

I cannot believe how much we got done during our coaching sessions. I'm blown away. Thank you for helping me fix my speaker page and getting my speaker portfolio ready for pitching. Today I got my first booked speaking engagement and it's all thanks to you. You are the best, Csilla.

Machelle Wells - Keynote Speaker